
Akoya Capital is Seeking Add-ons for its Portfolio Company Alinabal

Alinabal is a high-precision component manufacturer and fabricator based in Connecticut. Alinabal specializes in fabricated, precision machined, stamped, and assembled metal components for a diverse portfolio of blue-chip customers.

An ideal add-on candidate is a metals contract manufacturer focused on precision machining and other value-added manufacturing services with an end-market focus including semiconductors and A&D.

Companies located in the Northeast and Southeast are preferred.

If you know of a company that might fit our needs, please contact Lukasz Wrona at

Akoya Capital is a Chicago-based, sector-focused private investment firm, specializing in the lower end of the middle market. We work closely with family offices, high-net-worth individuals, and institutional capital providers to invest in profitable, well-positioned businesses.

We partner with founders and CEOs of family-owned and owner-operated businesses who are pursuing liquidity while prioritizing preservation of the company legacy.

Investments are led by one of Akoya’s Sector Leaders whose operating expertise aligns with the business.